100 WC challenge

It was another day in paradise. At school. We were in side when my friend randomly yelled out “look up! Can you see” we looked up and what we saw was unexplainable it was a giant flying fire breathing titanium robot and it was causing havoc. It had already killed hundreds of people and it continue until it found what it wanted but why had it come here? It rampaged to our school we saw military planes and helicopters as well as tanks they all started firing at the robot then bang! All went black. That was all I remembered.

100 WC challenge

She was walking down the street, it was roughly 10 o’clock she had just had a night out with her parents, but she was now lost she couldn’t find her parents and her phone was flat. At last she came to an alley and found a man at the end she asked him”Have you seen my father ” The man said “yes but first you must find my wallet in one of those bins.” So as she lifted the lid she heard the bang of gun and turned around to see blood where the man who had just shot her.

Pics for MC story part 6



Part 3 of MC story

Sorry about the wait guys!!

I ran out to fight the mobs while I tried to kill a spider, a creeper decided that I should be dead and blew me up. That turned out to be a good thing, where I spawned near my painting I saw there was no block behind it, I removed it and there I saw diamonds, emeralds, iron and gold. I was happy. I didn’t need to go mining not with this at least. Then I saw I sign on a diamond block it read simply “The Vault” then I saw the two chests I opened them and found they were full of diamonds, emeralds, iron and gold. I was rich

100 WC

I woke up my plane had crashed in the middle of the jungle, me and my friend were going on a trip to New York but our plane crashed in this thick dense jungle. I decided I would explore the island and try to find my friend, I found my friend in a temple that had parkour at the there looked like there was some crates we made the jumps and opened the crates there was water I had a drink it was all right but it made my tongue tingle then all of a sudden it happened. I died.

MC story part 5

It has been 5 days since I have talked. One reason. I have been collecting resources to make a mob grinder. I just finished it. And it works well. I’m still working on the collection system but that can wait a little while. It took me 4 days to make but I can say it was worth it. It works like this, mobs spawn they fall into flowing water which pushes them down to the lower flaw, then they get trapped in a current and fall into the long drop which kills them, so it’s pretty simple but very effective.

It took me a while to get all the andesite to make the stone bricks, but again it was worth it. Next I’m planning on building a rail way to the top so I can make sure it working, and so I can disable it if I have to.

Pic for part 5 of MC story


Pics for part 3 of M.C story



Part 4

I was rich. I didn’t no what to do. I decided to make diamond armour and a sword I also made a pick. I started to work on my house a few blocks here and a few blocks there then I saw it. A wolf! I had 5 bones but the first four failed the last one was lucky but, I got the dog and named him George. I finally finished the house it looked good but it was dark but I would have to light it up to make sure no mobs would spawn near it or in it.

Pics for part 4 of M.C story



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